Our Pastors

Pastors Woodie & Renée Fultz

Pastor Woodie and Renée have been serving in ministry to the Miami Valley since 1988. Together they have made a dynamic team of diverse gifts that has enabled them to minister effectively to peoples lives everywhere they have gone, and they continue to do so today. Not only do they lead the cutting edge congregation of The Valley Worship Center, but they work across the state of Ohio proclaiming awakening of the church in the region and reformation of culture by the people of God as they arise to their purpose and calling and become the Church that Jesus Christ Himself established.

Pastor Paul "Woodie" Fultz 

Pastor Woodie Fultz is the Senior Minister of The Valley Worship Center, 2360 Valley Street, in Dayton, Ohio. He graduated from Ohio Christian University with a Bachelors of Arts in Bible and Religion in 1978 where he began serving God as a third generation minister. He and his wife Renée have been married since 1978 and have raise three sons who represent the fourth generation of ministry. They have been ministering as a family in the Dayton area since 1988.

Pastor Woodie grew up in church. He traveled as a young child with his parents as they proclaimed the love of Christ through song and preaching all over the state of Ohio. He participated in churches pastored by both his father and his grandfather, so it was not a far stretch when Woodie felt the call as a teenager to surrender his life calling to God's purpose. Woodie was already growing as a musician, singer and songwriter, so it was natural for him to begin his ministry in music. It was apparent to him early on that God wanted him to preach as well, so youth work was added to his responsibilities.

After wearing numerous ministry hats in The Churches of Christ in Christian Union and the Church of God, Woodie felt directed of the Lord to join his dad, Eugene Fultz, in a new pioneering work in the suberbs of Dayton called Open Door Fellowship. After a few short years, Gene and the Elders, set Woodie in as Pastor to handle the day to day ministry of the church and his Father took on the role of Overseer.

In 1998, one year after the death of his father, Woodie led the congregation to take ownership of their first building and changed the name of the church to The Father's House Kingdom Ministries in order to reflect the calling and direction on his life to raise up spiritual sons and daughters. Pastor Woodie served bi-vocationally and eventually full time as he served God from his church base to the local communities of Riverside, Dayton, Kettering and Beavercreek.

In 2003, Pastor Woodie and Renée began to connect with Dr. Tim Sheets, senior pastor and apostle at Oasis Church, in Middletown, Ohio, for spiritual accountability and covering. This was in addition to the covering they already enjoyed with Apostle Jim Holbrook of Newark, Ohio. This new relationship served to strengthen the church and bring them into contact with many national Apostles and Prophets who began speaking into their lives and ministry.

Pastor Woodie & Renée continued to lead the congregation for over nine years as the ministry and influence of the church grew. They raised numerous spiritual sons and daughters, and gained influence in the community they served with both the people and the civic leaders. During their time there, they extended their ministry to the Aztec Indians of the Northern Sierra Mountains and to the plains of Puebla— both in Mexico.

In addition to his pastoral responsibilities at The Father's House, and with their blessings, Pastor Woodie was asked to intervene as interim pastor to a church that had lost their pastor. After a short time, and with wise counsel, it was decided to pool the resources of both churches and start a new congregation with a broader vision for the region called The Valley Worship Center. On Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007, the church held their first services.

Since the birth of this new congregation, the ministry of Pastor Woodie has continued to expand and grow. He travels all over the state with Apostle Tim Sheets holding intercessory and prophetic prayer gatherings in every county of the state. He is director for the 24/7 prayer torch that is being passed from church to church all over the state by congregations holding twenty-four hour prayer for one week— there are currently 10 torches in circulation. The ministry in Mexico continues to grow as he serves with a newly formed group of ministers and missionaries to lend assistance to and raise up indigenous ministry leaders in the Aztec culture of Mexico. He has also connected the church into the the SOMA Family of Ministries, an apostolic network led by Apostle Mark Pfeifer. Integrity and balanced leadership has been restored to many who had lost respect for those in the ministry through unethical practices and misdeeds, and many lives have been restored to the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Woodie functions in the ministry offices of the apostle and prophet. As an Apostle, he continues the groundbreaking, pioneering work in the region that was started by his father Gene Fultz more than 25 years ago, opening up the territory to hear a fresh revelation from God. As a prophet, he continually seeks to hear the heart of God and expose the works of darkness in the region, and release revelation for the purposes of God in the territory.

Pastor Renée Fultz 

Pastor Renée also comes from a heritage of Christian ministry as her mother, grandmother and uncle, traveled all over the Ohio Valley singing the praises of Jesus for a generation. She graduated from Ohio Christian University with a Bachelors of Arts in Bible and Religion in 1978. Shortly after graduation, she and Woodie were married and she has been not only a helpmate for him, but a partner in ministry.

She has served in ministries of youth, children, Christian education, music and pastoring. She home educated their three sons through High School graduation, organized managed and taught a home education co-op school, and taught in Christian School. She has served as an independent Certified Testing Administrator for the Sanford Achievement Test for home educators, and has offered individual assistance and tutoring for educational needs of families.

In 1998 she was set in to Pastoral ministry at Woodie's side. As such, her unique gifts have been both a complement and a balance to his. Through study, prayer and revelation she is able to bring great spiritual insight for people's lives and situations that encourages them and sets them free to move more fully in their potential and fulfill the purposes of God.

She shares in the connections and coverings that have made them secure in their ministry, and travels with Woodie on as many occasions as possible. Whether in the local church, the state, nation... or internationally, She and Woodie share a divine partnership that has impacted the lives of peoople for the Kingdom of God everywhere they have ministered.