We've all heard the optimistic saying, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." The truth is, with a few exceptions, most of us do not think that way. I know there are certain personalities that exude optimism in the face of difficulty, but most of us aren't made that way.
When difficulties come, we may put up a good front for a short time, but eventually we succomb to our human nature and cry, complain, rant, vent... or just simply quit! I know, some of it is good therapy, as least that is our excuse, but most of it is not. Most of the time it is an expression of self-pity, self-indulgence, and sometimes we hurt others with the things we do or say.
There are real tragedies that confront us that are too difficult for us to get our minds around. The recent shooting in a theater in Colorado would be a perfect example. Of course there are other shootings, terrorism, wars, etc... things that can almost become commonplace to us— that is until they strike close to home. Of course other things do strike us closer to home: the death of a loved one, sickness, abuse, divorce, and broken relationships, to name a few.
All of these things lead us to ask the ultimate question: Can anything good come out of this?