Tuesday, August 24, 2021

“Increase the temperature of Holy Spirit in the Church!”

That is what I heard Holy Spirit say to me just a few months ago as we were preparing to go into Pentecost. I sensed that Pentecost would be a season of increase of the Holy Spirit and Fire for the Church.

The question is, how do you increase the temperature of Holy Spirit? 

If we want to increase the temperature in our homes we turn up the thermostat. In my home, when I turn up the thermostat, the gas is turned on in the furnace and ignited. It use to be that there was a little flame in our furnaces called a pilot light. When the gas would come on in our furnace it would come into contact with that little flame and ignite:  A controlled explosion.

Week after week since Pentecost, Holy Spirit has been turning on the super-natural gas in our services and for our lives. He has been doing this through prophetic revelation and teaching. Each week through prophecy and declaration of present truth, the gas has been filling our sanctuary— a burning chamber— waiting to come into contact with the pilot light that would release a controlled explosion of heaven on earth.

Holy Spirit spoke to us a few years ago through prophecy and said that there was a “little flame” inside our church and that God was going to use that flame to affect the nation. It seemed like a strange and powerful Word of the Lord at that time: How would Holy Spirit accomplish that?

I believe I understand it more clearly now. As the temperature of Holy Spirit is increased in churches all over our nation, they become furnaces of Heaven functioning in the cold climate of culture— a culture that is cold to righteousness, cold to the power and presence of Jesus, and cold to the purpose and plan of heaven.  Not just indifferent to what God wants in our nation, but defiant. 

In this time of Awakening, God is desiring to turn on the gas in any congregation that is willing to expose their little flame to the super-natural gas of heaven. As they do, their flame will ignite a controlled explosion and the furnace of heaven will begin to do what it is designed to do.

What is this heavenly furnace on earth designed to do? 

On the Day of Pentecost, the furnace came on and the entire world was changed in a  few short years. Demonic spiritual structures of worship were broken, anti-Christ religious traditions were confronted and pulled down, and hell’s governmental thrones were overthrown as the greater ruling authority of the Kingdom of Heaven began to increase on earth. That is what happens when the furnace of heaven is turned on and ignited in the earth. 

During Afterburn, the annual Youth Conference of The Valley Worship Center, a small group of young people experienced the beginning of what I believe is a controlled explosion of Holy Spirit for our congregation. The young people who gathered seemed hungry for everything that God had for them. The intimidating atmosphere that had sometimes dampened the gatherings in the past seemed to be lifted. There was freedom in the tabernacle that mirrored the songs of worship. As the young people cried out for God, Holy Spirit met them and fire was ignited in them. 

"Turn on the afterburners!"

On Sunday, as we wrapped up the Youth Conference, Holy Spirit spoke a prophetic word through me saying, “It is time for the youth to turn on the afterburners.” Simply put, an afterburner is the process of injecting fuel into the flame of a jet engine. When that fuel is ignited it increases the thrust of a jet. 

There are three primary purposes for using afterburners:

(1) Afterburners allow a jet to take off on a shorter runway. 

The thrust of the engine pushes the aircraft down the runway faster allowing it to achieve the “lift” that makes it fly. Holy Spirit is wanting a younger generation to take off faster and be lifted into heaven’s plans and purposes very quickly.

(2) Afterburners allow a jet to achieve higher speeds in the air. 

In the case of a super-sonic jet, that higher speed is faster than the speed of sound. This helps the jet get to its destination more quickly.  In our young people, the thrust of these Holy Spirit afterburners is enabling them to reach their destiny more quickly— to get into the place God wants them at a faster pace. 

This thrust causes a jet to break the sound barrier. I believe this generation of youth will break the sound barrier of natural limitations which will release a supernatural sonic boom that will shake the earth around them!

(3) Afterburners allow a jet fighter to strategically maneuver his aircraft in order to have an advantage in combat.  

This allows the pilot to accelerate and turn his jet so he can be in a better position to take out the enemy while in flight. The enemy is not just going to allow this younger generation to just fly and bring havoc on his kingdom. He is going to try to bring them down. In generations past, the enemy attacked believers in flight and grounded them so that they could not gain "air" superiority. This is not going to be the case in this younger generation. They are going to allow Holy Spirit to activate their afterburners and position themselves to take out the enemy while still in the air! 

This generation will not be deterred from their purpose and destiny. They will fly sooner and faster than any generation before them. And they will out maneuver the enemy in flight so they will not be taken out of their destiny.

Entering the new season on the Jewish calendar...

We are approaching the end of the Pentecost season that Holy Spirit spoke to us about. Not many days from now we will enter RoshHashanah and move into the Feast of Tabernacles, a time of ingathering. Are you ready for this new season? Have you allowed your flame to ignite Holy Spirit fire in you? Have you asked God to turn on your afterburners so that you can be ready for the next place-mark on God’s calendar? Are you ready to move with Him into the new and cast off the old? If not, now is the time. Ask Holy Spirit to come in and create a controlled explosion in you. Receive the fire of Holy Spirit. Let Him thrust you into your destiny!

Woodie Fultz
The Valley Worship Center
2360 Valley Street
Dayton, Ohio 45404